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What others have to say...

Take it from the rest: during our time together, your perspective will shift and we will all leave more aware, humbled and confident in our ability to lead people.  If their words inspire you, please get in touch.

Forest Scene

We have been to great classes and not-so great classes.  I gauge a great class or presentation if I leave finding myself thinking deeper about the presentation and especially if I find myself sharing the experience with my wife when I get home.  I can honestly say that I did both! 


Thank you for your time, talent and willingness.  From my perspective, you kept the group engaged and held their interest and provided a few “ah-ha” moments for all of us.  We see great value in continuing with the series and look forward to what is to come.

-Chief Eric Skogen
City of Buckley Fire

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Your presentation was both enlightening and intriguing.  I found myself immediately taking assessment of myself and how I communicate with my family as a father and husband.  I know that this information is originally targeting our fire organization, but I found it to be valuable to the most important relationships in my life.  I hope this expresses the value that I saw in this presentation. 


I think that in today’s leadership courses it is difficult to bring truly unique or breakthrough ideas to the table.  Many courses are reinforcing ideas or concepts that have already been covered.  I believe these courses to be extremely valuable because we all require refreshers or reinforcement to keep the skills and knowledge we learn.  BUT…. I felt that your presentation not only provided the reinforcement of tried-and-true knowledge and skills, but you also provided me with some unique techniques and fresh approaches to better communication skills. I felt that you showed humility and vulnerability which helped the people in the room put their egos aside, while being confident and driven enough to hold our interest.  Fire Officers are a tough group to present to.  Your presentation is the best presentation that I’ve participated in since coming back to Buckley Fire.  Thank you for your time and efforts put towards our leadership. 

-Assistant Chief Johan Olson
City of Buckley Fire

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The best time to build confidence and strength in your leadership is now.

Through my graduate work in communication and leadership I am prepared to help teams of all sizes thrive in the leadership space. The best time to build confidence and strength in your leadership team is now. You will find my content to have remnants of tried-and-true leadership practices integrated with fresh researched-based concepts.

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